TKP Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) , while intensifying the
preparations for turning 1st of May demonstrations to a challenge
against the capitalist system and the reactionary government, decided to
organize a mass action at the Syrian border to resist the aggressive
policies of Erdoğan cabinet.
The reaction of the ruling class to the initiative was to exercise extraordinary measures which led to stupidity to which TKP militants responded in different ways all over the country. Below is the statement of the CC of TKP. Peace Will Win The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) conducted a ‘Peace Campaign’ in order to protest the hostile policies of imperialism towards Syria and the leading role of Turkey in these policies on 15th of April, Sunday..
The TKP intended to raise the voice of peace from the Syrian border of Turkey so as to express that a war to be triggered in consequence of intervention of imperialism in Syria will mean a great disaster amongst the peoples of the region. State of Emergency by the AKP The Justice and Development Party Government (the AKP), which seems determined to take part in aggressiveness towards Syria, attempted to hinder the 'Peace Campaign' through a circular note issued by the ministry of internal affairs.
the last night, the departure of the buses of the 'Peace Campaign' from
various cities ready to set off to Hatay was not allowed on grounds of
the circular note of the ministry and the resolution taken by the
Governorship of Hatay in this direction.
Members of the TKP hindered in Ankara staged a sit-in action between 00.30 and 2.30 on Tunus Street during night time. The buses departed from Istanbul on Saturday, April 14 were stopped by police in Aksaray on Sunday, 06.20 am. The participants, who were kept waiting for a long time, set off once again later on, however they were stopped at 12.30 and kept waiting over again and were told that they would not be allowed to get back on the road.
Members of the TKP prepared to depart from Gaziantep were also hindered by police use of force. The participants of the ‘Peace Campaign’ from Gaziantep tried to reach Hatay with their own opportunities on the account of the fact their buses were impounded by police. The buses from Adana were also impounded by police with the excuse of “deficiencies on the vehicles". 7 participants from Ceyhan, Adana were taken into custody by police.
The buses from Mersin were blocked by police on the outlying area of the city. Besides police forces, who actually declared a state of emergency between Ceyhan and Hatay, even stopped and searched the private vehicles on the highway. They could not hinder the voice of peace Despite all hindrance efforts of the AKP government, the participants of the 'Peace Campaign' turned the places they were hindered into action zones.
The hindered participants from Ankara held a demonstration in front of the Prime Ministry Office at 13.30 on Sunday in order to protest this hindrance. Members of the TKP, who emphasized that the voice of the people who says 'no to war cannot be silenced, wrote "No to War" on the wall of the Prime Ministry Office. Members of the TKP and anti-war people in Hatay, who were waiting for the arrival of the ‘Peace Campaign' held a protest action in the afternoon in spite of intensive police blockade. Then they marched to Hatay Halkevi and held a press conference there with the participation of members of Halkevleri.
The hindered 'Peace Campaign' participants protested the situation in Eskişehir and Adana as well. Members of ÖDP (the Freedom and Solidarity Party) and Halkevleri also supported the action in Adana. Peace Will Win! The imperialist aggressiveness towards Syria intensifies day by day. The basis for a military intervention is set step by step. Turkey is also made a part of this aggressiveness under the leadership of the AKP. A war environment across the region is being established with provocations of the terrorist groups that are armed by Turkey.
The consequence of this aggressiveness will be a great disaster for both the people of Turkey and the other peoples of the region. We must say ‘Stop’ to the warmongers on the coattails of the warlords.
The ‘Peace Campaign’ intended to raise the voice of peace against war and to create dynamism in this respect; this goal is achieved. On the other hand, the AKP government set forth that they are determined to be a part of the aggressiveness towards Syria and to silence the supporters of peace with their formal circular notes, resolutions or hindrances revealed by lame excuses. It is impossible to silence the people who support peace and shout ‘No to War’.
But, the people who want to plant the seeds of hostility among the peoples of the region will not be able to achieve this goal.
The voice of peace will surpass the voice of war!
The Communist Party of TurkeyCentral Committee
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