Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Arab Spring" and Turkey: Erdoğan in Wonderland

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey, finished his Arab Spring tour. He arrived Egypt with a mass support and it was the sign of becoming an emperor for Turkish and some international news agencies.

And than, Paletine bnid for membership to UN Instead, i want to think about Erdoğan's emperial desires and its reality. Fareed Zakaria has just interviewed with Erdoğan and asked about Turkey's Middle East policies and relations with US.

First of all you have to remember that there is no real distinction between US and Turkey's Middle East politics. There are two major privileges of US politics on Middle East: firstly, oil resources have to be designed for US interests and the second, Israel's security have to be provided.

Middle East oil regime was changed with independence movements power in Meddle East with Nasser, Saddam, Gaddafi or other Baath Party like governments. Now, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, imperialists are continuing the transforming Middle East's political order because of change oil regime.

Requirements of Arab Spring riped with The Greater Middle East Project which is PM of Turkey Erdoğan is a co-president. With this strategic concept, US tried to change Middle Eastern regimes with external resources, especially bombs of "civilisation". You may remember G.W. Bush's "crusade" cry.

But there was a problem about foreign pressure: old Middle East regimes and most of the people think that they are under attack of western Cristians and they try to secure Israel. So the Project didn't work well for US interests.

When Obama won the elections, US has started the change strategy over Middle East and Islam. It was not about Obama's personal tendencies but about US interests in Middle East. Israel's aggressivenes was provoking riots and it makes hard to transform Middle East for US.

I think Israel-Lebanon War - 2006 was the break point for US strategy and its time to join MidEast politics for Turkey. Israel was defeated and Hizbullah should be disarmed. But Israel can not solve this problem. Turkey tried to be peace keeper for this but Mubareks Egypt and France did not let Turkey to play a decisive role.

First attempt was failured but the door was opened. After this moment, Turkey acknowledged that she could improve international role as a Muslim power which angaged imperialist interests. But to play a good role, she should be look as if "against" Israel and an insider for Middle Eastern peoples. Now, you should noticed difference between Bush's "crusade" and Obama's speech at Cairo University in 2009.

In this case, Turkey started denouncements to Israel. And everone should think about this process before talking about Turkey-Israel conflict, Gaza flotilla raid or Palestine statehood bid.

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