Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Very Short History of Political Islam in Turkey: 1923-2011

Political Islam is the most important political movement in Turkey for a few years. But its history have a long distance. I want to figure out its brief history in "first republic" era which contain 1923-2011. Before reading this short article, please notice that islamist fundamentalists has a great state and US support in his long life. If you don't consider this, you could never undertand what did happen or what will be occur.

Republic of Turkey was found in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK. He was a nationalist bourgeois revolutionary and tried to make Turkey an independent, secular, legislative country. His practise on religion was a little suppressive on local religious leaders. He abolished caliphate, forbade islamic lodges and hermitages. Education in madrasah, a muslim theological school, was forbidden.

This steps had great impact on peoples mind but did not enough to make Turkey a real secular country. Political islam try to come back with two political parties.

Progressive Republican Party (Turkey) (TCF)was founded by Mustafa Kemal's fellow soldiers on 1924 but their political views different. They were thought that Turkey should be an islamic country rahter than a seculer one. The Party was became a fundamentalist reactionist forces focal point and political activities were banned on 1925 after Sheikh Said rebellion which is an islamic and Kurdish nationalist uprising.

The second attempt for multi party system in Turkey started with Liberal Republican Party (Turkey) (SCF) on 12th August 1930 because of Mustafa Kemal's encouragements. Founders were nationalist and secular but the Party became a focal point for reactionists again despite its founders wish.

After this aborted experiences, we can say that reactionist movement or political islam can  be on the rise  where she find to arise. Because Kemalism banned political islam but never fight againist her sources because of its capitalist modernity. In this way, political islam was grown quickly.

The third attempt to join multi party system in Turkey came from defeat of Nazis. After the WorldWar 2, Turkey forced to establish more democratic institutions. Democtaric Party (DP)was born in 1946 and has a great support from people. Indeed, DP era was the term that USA-Turkey relations was increased. But at the same time reactionism increased rapidly gain.

US has started its "green belt" policy against Soviet Union. Turkey was one of the major part of this imperialistic project. Islamists were supported by US because of lay siege to Soviet Union. In Turkey, Organizations for Strugle with Communism (KMD) was established with encouragement of imperialists.

Fethullah Gülen and Recai Kutan was founders of the KMD in some provinces. These leaders will influence reactionist movement in Turkey.

In 1960, Turkish Army had make a military coup. After this coup, Turkish enlightment remain and secular rules increased. But at the same time, islamist movement organized by Necmettin Erbakan with some political parties.

His National View was the major political thesis. He has established National Salvation Party in 1972. 1980 military coup has banned this party but Necmettin Erbakan found a new party in 1983 as a successor of National Salvation Party that Welfare Party. Necmettin Erbakan and his National View has taken a great social support with "Justice Order" discourse against secular governments. In 1993, fundamentalists attacked Turkey's secular intelligentsia and killed 33 of them known as Sivas Massacre.

In 1997, Turkey has an other military memorandum for Erbakan to overthrow. After this memorandum, islamist movement has devided in two parts. One of them were followers of Erbakan, others were the followers of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Indeed, Erdoğan was a clever stdent of Erbakan but his secret negotiations with US caused his distinction with Erbakan. After this time, Erbakan accused him as a puppet of US. But Erdoğan has established Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 and won first elections %34 percentage in 2002.

2002-2011 was a war against kemalists and reactionist on future of  Turkey. With 2011 elections,  first Republic of Turkey is death. Now we are in the Second Republic era.

Note: I know that I should give details ofdistictions between first and second republics. It's coming soon...


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